how to scale a business

Having the right mentor can mean gaining insight, encouragement and advice gleaned from the direct experience of others. Your mentor can offer you guidance on developing strategies and help you identify goals to keep you on track — all while offering you valuable insight as you begin to scale accounting services for startups and grow. The insights and services we provide help to create long-term value for clients, people and society, and to build trust in the capital markets. Scaling operations at some point is inevitable for most successful businesses, and risky decisions need to be made for survival and growth.

Perfect your product or service

If you’re using Twitter or LinkedIn for prospecting or staying in touch with your clients, it’s called social selling. To put it simply, social selling is a process of building relationships with potential and existing clients via social media. If you’re going to scale your business, then you need to have a strong team in place. This team will need to be able to handle the increased workload that comes with a more extensive operation. Understanding the various sales funnel steps is critical to scaling your business.

how to scale a business

What Is a Scaling Plan?

Simply adding people to a growing business, without taking these five things into consideration, can result in costly challenges down the road. The last consideration when scaling a business is to review all of your processes and look for opportunities for improvements. These improvements might result in better service and support to the customer but also might save the business wasted expenses. Efficiencies found in processes can be reinvested into people and systems. It can be hard to admit, but “managing the operations by hands-on involvement of founders will eventually limit growth”. If a start-up is going to scale, managers need to implement standardized and repeatable processes, with proper delegation.

You’re focusing only on short-term sales

This news release has been issued by EYGM Limited, a member of the global EY organization that also does not provide any services to clients. EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Facebook was initially launched for Harvard students only, then expanded to college students at other schools and eventually became available globally. Although it might seem like the social media platform scaled quickly and was suddenly everywhere, these changes occurred over a period of years.

how to scale a business

Partnerships can also be a beneficial strategy for scaling a business, but they’re not always necessary. Whether a business needs partnerships to scale depends on various factors, including the industry, the nature of the business, and the specific growth goals. Remember, building strong partnerships takes work, but when done right, it can supercharge your business’s growth. So, get out there, find those complementary partners and scale your business to new heights. Sally has over a decade of experience in print and online journalism. Previously she was the senior editor at SmartAsset—a Y Combinator-backed fintech startup that provides personal finance advice.

Mistakes to avoid when scaling your business

Greater brand recognition leads to greater brand loyalty; in turn, that creates a reliable, steady stream of high-intent users (i.e. a reliable, steady stream of revenue). Do you have the energy, focus, and dedication to take your business to the next level? Are you ready to evolve your current role in service of your larger goals and vision, which may entail either taking on new tasks, or delegating others?

how to scale a business

When did you last assess the barriers holding your company back and tackle them head-on? Don’t change your company for change’s sake – scaling your business will become easier when you strategically align your choices with your ultimate purpose. Remember that massive growth is one thing, but sustainable growth makes for a lasting company. Knowing requires an understanding of the difference between growing and scaling. When you grow a business, you add clients and team members while costs also increase.

how to scale a business

To do away with any of that while scaling would defeat the purpose of trying to grow your business and impact. “Our strategy is very heavy on influencer marketing, ambassador marketing, and our partnerships, and it’s a very, very time consuming element of the business,” says Katie. Taking that workload off Katie and Amanda means more time back to focus on the core of the business. “We don’t just use the dead-stock T-shirts, we also use dead-stock rolls of fabric,” says Katie. “It’s the exact same grade of material, it’s just taken at a different point in the supply chain.”The fabric rolls allow for faster production but with the same commitment to sustainability. It’s even become a feature—getting their hands on a particular color lets them create a limited time collection drop that customers snap up.

  • Only invest in marketing tactics that’ll be highly visible to your audience, especially when it comes to social media marketing.
  • Encourage cross-departmental collaborations to allow different teams to mix, as these interactions often lead to fresh perspectives and solutions that won’t come up within separated groups.
  • This would help complement Kyiv’s existing air defenses, made up of Soviet-era systems and Western ones like US-provided Patriot batteries and NASAMS.
  • If you don’t start with your “why” of going into business in the first place, then learning how to scale a business is of limited utility.
  • It’s better to own your niche and expand gradually and strategically from there than to slap together too many revenue streams without truly understanding what your audience needs.

Another common source of funding for this stage of your business is to seek equity investors or venture capital. Leverage legacy migration to modernize your site by upgrading obsolete systems. You can also encourage risk-taking and creative problem-solving by celebrating the process and effort — even if it doesn’t always lead to success.